Movie Processing Strategies

Studio Artist uses Paint Action Sequences to process QuickTime movie files. We have discussed the mechanics of working with Paint Action Sequences in previous tutorials and the User Guide. This tutorial is a more advanced look at different strategies to keep in mind when constructing Paint Action Sequences to process movie files.

Building Tone in an Image

This tip is going to discuss some Studio Artist features useful for building up tone in an image. Tone or mass can be thought of as representing the visual weight of a sketch or artistic rendition and relates to building some kind of representation of the original source luminance in the artistic rendition of that…

Movie Processing with Temporal Image Operations

In this tutorial we’ll be exploring the use of Studio Artist Temporal Image Operations for processing movie files.  Temporal or time based image operations are effects that use multiple frames in a source movie to build each effected output frame. The example above is a single output frame that was generated using a temporal rank…