Building Tone in an Image

This tip is going to discuss some Studio Artist features useful for building up tone in an image. Tone or mass can be thought of as representing the visual weight of a sketch or artistic rendition and relates to building some kind of representation of the original source luminance in the artistic rendition of that…

Generating Bezier Paths from Images

There are a wide variety of different tools available in Studio Artist for converting raster images into bezier path renditions of the image. These include techniques to generate bezier path edge sketches (like above), as well as bezier mass sketches based on cross-hatching, and complete cartoon-style vector renditions of color imagery. This tip will provide…

Exploring the Sketch Image Operations

There are several Sketch image operations (ip ops) in Studio Artis. These sketch ops are sophisticated processing effects that can be used separately or together to build a wide range of different black and white sketch effects. The Sketch ip ops can either be used to directly create raster or vector sketch effects or to generate bezier paths that…