Adjusting the Brush Size

‘How do I change the brush size?’ The Quick Way – Hold down the b Key and draw the size brush you want If you are using a Wacom pen, you can adjust the current eraser preset’s brush size by using the b hotkey as described above with the eraser tip of the pen.  Using…

Introduction to the Paint Synthesizer

  The Paint Synthesizer   The Paint Synthesizer allows you to create an unlimited range of different manual or automatic paint tools and effects. You can interactively paint or draw manually via the mouse or a pen and tablet, or press the Action button and the Paint Synthesizer will analyze the source image and automatically…

Understanding the Classic Paint Synthesizer

The purpose of this guide is to help you get started understanding the Studio Artist Paint Synthesizer. We’ll cover some of the design philosophy behind the Paint Synthesizer as well as provide an overview of some of its wide range of different features. What is the Paint Synthesizer? Paint Synthesizer is a digital paint engine.…