Hot Key Guide

You can find the Hot Key guide in the Studio Artist help window under the Index Tab. Canvas Hot Keys – Generic h   – switches to hand positioning interaction, cursor movement scrolls the view c   – switches to color picker, current color is set to the canvas color at the cursor position =…

Operation Modes

Check out the Training Videos on Each Operation Mode Video Explainers for Each Mode   Individual Operation Modes Here’s a quick explanation of the various operation modes. Image Operations – an extensive set of image processing effects and tons of presets, each with associated editable parameters that can adjust the visual appearance of the effect.…

Introduction to the Vectorizer

The Studio Artist Vectorizer takes a raster image and converts it into a flat color vector representation. The vectorization process can either try to mimic the source as closely as possible or can be configured to create a wide range of different stylistic effects. This Post will show you how to: Access the Vectorizer Presets…

Processing a Movie with a PASeq

Processing a Movie File with a Paint Action Sequence is fairly straightforward. First you either need to record a custom PASeq to be used for processing or import an existing PASeq preset. Then you can just run a single menu command to start the processing. The PASeq will then be used to process the movie…