Introduction to Paint Action Sequences

  Paint Action Sequences (PASeq) are the heart and soul of Studio Artist.  Studio Artist is built around using PASeq’s instead of layers.  Studio Artist does provide layers as well, but using PASeq’s is often much more powerful and much easier to use than layers. Paint Action Sequences are used to combine together presets into…

Introduction to the Paint Synthesizer

  The Paint Synthesizer   The Paint Synthesizer allows you to create an unlimited range of different manual or automatic paint tools and effects. You can interactively paint or draw manually via the mouse or a pen and tablet, or press the Action button and the Paint Synthesizer will analyze the source image and automatically…

How to Erase the Canvas

  This Post will show you how to erase the canvas and also how to use eraser presets. A simple question that comes up when getting started using Studio Artist for the first time is how to erase the canvas. The quick answer is that you can use the eraser button in the main operation…