Adjusting the Pen Mode

The Paint Synthesizer can respond to your mouse or pen movements in different ways.  How the current paint preset responds to pen movement is a function of the paint synthesizer’s adjustable Pen Mode option.  Changing the pen mode is an easy way to modify the drawing behavior and appearance of any paint preset. This tip…

Constraining Automatic Paint Strokes

This Tip will show you how to constrain Autopainting so that the drawing is more representative of the Source Image The Paint Synthesizer is capable of generating an extremely wide variety of different paint styles.  This tip will focus on explaining how to get under the hood and edit paint presets to change their automatic…

Movie Processing Strategies Part 3

This tutorial continues our discussion of the mechanics of designing and building paint strategies for creating paint animation effects in Studio Artist. To process a movie file in Studio Artist you first record a Paint Action Sequence (PASeq) and then process a movie file with the PASeq. A paint strategy is the series of processing…